Wills | Living Wills | Powers of Attorney | Advance Medical Directives | Probate and Estate Administration


Comprehensive Estate Plans

-Estate Plans are composed of key legal documents-

-Documents that benefit every individual or family that has one in place-

They lay out a mindful course of action to care for and support your loved ones, give your family the information and tools they need to honor your choices in regard to your own health and comfort, and put your assets to their best use.

Without this road map, your incapacitation or death could tangle your family, friends and assets in courtroom battles and burden them with additional and undue stress-thousands of dollars lost to taxes and fees, destructive arguments and complications, hours spent worrying and working to discern the best path forward. Such frustrations can be avoided with a little proactive planning. Your estate plan is your last and, perhaps, your most helpful and valuable gift.

Each of our estate plans are carefully customized to meet your unique goals and needs. They typically include:

  • Last Will and Testament

  • General Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney

  • Medical Durable Power of Attorney

  • Living Will

  • HIPAA Release

  • Declaration of Disposition of Last Remains (Burial Instructions)

  • Guardianship documents for families with minor children (long-term Guardianship Appointment and Temporary Parenting Power of Attorney)

Special needs or gift planning may also play a role in your estate planning strategy. We’ll ensure that you have everything accounted and planned for in your documents.

In most cases, our estate planning services are priced at a flat fee-meaning that you’ll know all costs up front and they won’t change. No watching the clock and no hefty, unexpected invoices.

Cost-effective and Flat Fee Pricing

Probate and Estate Administration

We provide compassionate personal support and counsel to personal representatives (commonly known as “executors”) and trustees-individuals who have been designated to coordinate the administration of a person’s estate after their death.

We’ll work closely with you to review all circumstances and offer clear steps for tidying up and closing all affairs-whether or not we’ve been involved in drafting the will, trust or other original estate planning documents. We regularly assist with:

  • The management of all legal responsibilities of the personal representative or trustee

  • Preparing and filing all necessary paperwork with the Probate Court

  • Decisive and sensitive assistance with important immediate needs-custody of minor children, management of businesses, caring for pets, and securing the home

  • Deferring existing mortgage payments

  • Gathering asset information, information about debts and claims, and medical bills

  • Tracking all assets, debt payments and disbursements and providing ongoing updates to beneficiaries

  • Forwarding the decedent’s mail

  • Coordinating with Social Security and employee pension representatives

  • Locating original documents, including a will or trust and insurance policies

  • Arranging continuing trust administration

If you would like more information regarding your probate and estate/trust administration needs, please contact our firm.